Monday, July 03, 2006

Big Political July 4th Howdy

Thought: Wow, these politicians are really good at pandering.

And, just in time for our Independence Day, the Repubs thought it would be a good idea to protect the flag by amending the constitution. A few pointers:
--it's the first amendment, folks.
--flag burning hasn't been in vogue since the hippies
--I thought the Constitution was supposed to be for important things...
--We already have flag legislation - this is not a Constitutional issue
--How would you enforce this Amendment? Would you tie people to the stake for daring to desecrate a symbol of our freedom not to be tied to a stake?
--How would you define flag? How can you stop kindergardeners from ripping up a piece of paper on which they had just drawn a rudimentary flag? If someone makes a flag with a slightly different shade of red, is it still a flag?

Washington, get real.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're awesome, just to let you know.

And you definitely ARE a nerd, but that's what makes you SO lovable!

8:15 PM EDT


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