Monday, July 03, 2006

Iranian Solutions

Thought: The biggest threat to global security is currently Iran.

According to intelligence reports, they already have enriched uranium. Diplomatic solutions will not work, because the key to being a power in the 21st century is being a member of the nuclear club, and no other incentive or disincentive can counterbalance that reward. Ahmadinejad, the "President" of Iran, recently stated that Iran was not a child whom the Western World could tempt with candy to give up their nuke program, and who can blame him for this?

So the 6-billion-person question is who can stop Iran. The United States is suspect number one, but the citizens are war-weary, and politicians want to stay in office too much to bring troops to another country against the will of the voters. Russia and China each have too many economic interests in Iran, and political interests in anything that disrupts a uni-superpower world, to want to interfere. India can do nothing in the Muslim world because of Pakistan's nukes.I therefore turn to history. In 1981, Israeli F-16s and F-15s destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, after Begin had gathered enough intelligence to determine that it was to be used to create weapons-grade fuel. Had Osirak not been destroyed, Iraq would not have been set decades back in her weapons program.

Israel must stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, or she will be Iran's first target (our friend Mahmoud believes Israel, the "stain on the Islamic world," must be "wiped off the map"). She should use Turkish airspace (the Turqs can pretend not to notice). Although Iran 2006 is no Iraq 1981, and have 14 known nuclear reactors (according to wikipedia, so this is a lower limit), Israel still has a large enough air force to achieve this. The operation would also require additional support planes for refueling purposes, as roundtrip to Iran is too much for one tank of fuel. Even so, Israel has the best means, motive, and opportunity to take out one of the most dangerous programs of our time.



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